collaboration is keY

We are stronger together.

Who has your back?
We do.

We’re looking out for you, your team, and your future which is why we put collaboration at the center of our model for transformation. We recognize the power of diversity and equity in all outcomes related to teams, leadership, momentum, profit margins, and community transformation, and strive to ensure our colleagues, partners, and clients respect, honor, and integrate strategies that represent these values as well. This is why we partner with leading organizations and experts who have expertise in areas that add value to your mission.

Female leader and coach smiling and showing kindness.

Global Partners

Global Learning Community

FYN Global is proud to be a member and founding Equity Partner in the Global Learning Community (GLC), an influential network of more than 200 non-governmental organizations, academics, and consultants spanning 44 countries who are dedicated to learning, growing, and serving the anti-trafficking response worldwide. As members of this global network, we have committed to donate up to 20% of our time to advancing the Community’s learning, development, and strategic initiatives. We welcome you to visit our page and learn more about how you or your organization can get involved.


To strengthen and foster a comprehensive, connected, and competent anti-trafficking & modern slavery movement.


As a culturally diverse, global community, we collaboratively strengthen standards, facilitate connections and learning, and implement creative & innovative solutions within the anti-trafficking & modern slavery movement.

Project Suma

FYN Global is a dedicated supporter and current board member for Project Suma, a powerful program that is breaking cycles of gender-based violence and exploitation in Bolivia by reducing barriers, creating opportunities, and impacting culture. They are leaders in the Global South on best practices in trauma-informed care and survivor-centered empowerment, equipping women and their children to move forward with a holistic system of support and self-determination.

Domestic Partners and Initiatives

FYN Global interacts and collaborates with a broad domestic network of individuals, businesses, and organizations, expanding its portfolio and customizing its response to meet each client’s individual needs. FYN Global is also a trusted ally to survivors of trafficking, exploitation and other forms of violence, believing that all individuals with lived experience should be purposefully elevated to positions of influence and consultation in order to achieve the greatest impact for our target audiences. As such, we proudly and proactively refer colleagues with lived experience to our clients when a critical need or gap is identified and specialized experience is recommended. 

Although there isn’t enough space to showcase all of our brilliant colleagues and collaborators, we hope you’ll follow along with our current domestic initiatives and colleagues listed here and on the Events page, including the Greater Rockies Immersive Training (GRIT) on Exploitation and Trafficking, an event designed and co-hosted by FYN Global and Uprising.


I believe in the power of collaboration, especially when it benefits the causes we all care about. If you feel the same and would like to contribute your skills, talents, or expertise to advance the mission of our clients, colleagues, or partners, I welcome you to reach out and share your personal mission to create impact along with your bio, resume, and areas of expertise. We’d love to explore new opportunities with you or facilitate a strategic connection between you and other individuals in our network if we believe there is synergy. 

Elizabeth Scaife, CEO